Mystic Earth
Wrinkled Peach Mushroom Painting
35% Off! Original wrinkled peach mushroom acrylic painting on wood paneled cotton canvas. These are not exactly how the natural mushrooms look, the colors have been altered some!
9" x 12" soft pastel purple mushroom painting lined soft-toned foliage. I made this painting using high quality acrylic paints that creates vivid saturation and crisp finish (free from cracks, ect). The piece is sealed with a high quality gloss varnish as well to protect the paint from aging over the years!
This is a stretched canvas over wood panel, perfect to hang directly on the wall by nail (no framing necessary to hang). Comes signed along the top side of the canvas.
SIZING: 9" x 12" x 1"
SHIPPING: will ship in 3-5 business days via USPS from the USA. Tracking number will be sent to your email provided at checkout! Packed securely to avoid canvas warping.